Gromet's PlazaDevoured Stories

Aurora's Bad Day

by Orion

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© Copyright 2024 - Orion - Used by permission

Storycodes: M/f; hard; snake; eaten; swallow; costume; strip; digestion; death; nc; XX

Warning! Do NOT try this at home, the story is presented here as a fantasy only, to attempt this in real life may result in injury or death

Traffic was bad, as Aurora sat silently in the back of the cab. Fortunately, it wouldn’t make her late for her job at The Galaxy Club where she’d been working as an exotic dancer for the past six months.

She had graduated from Cornell University with a degree in Law, but had been unsuccessful in finding a position in the legal world. Fortunately, she wasn’t living below the poverty line as her bank account was reasonably healthy.

Then her luck changed, she was out clubbing one weekend, and she was spotted on the dance floor by a couple of women who ran a club on the west side of town.

They were impressed by her moves and her figure, and they had an opening for a new dancer so within an hour of introducing themselves, Aurora had agreed to come for a formal interview. The interview was a shoe-in, Aurora made a great impression, and agreed to start work on the next Monday!

The weekend couldn’t pass fast enough for the girl, and as Monday dawned, she woke up and showered, and at two pm, she was walking through the employees entrance of the Galaxy Club and into her dressing room. She had no problem with being a stripper, in fact had her contracted wage been only half of what was agreed upon, she’d have still taken the job!

At 3:45 pm she was clad in her very skimpy costume and peeping through the curtain at the auditorium, which was around half full, especially down at the first three rows that seemed to consist of the dirty mac brigade.

So now here she was, six months into a new career and loving every moment. She had moved out of the apartment that had been her home since graduation, and was living in a top floor suite at the King Charles Hotel on Park Avenue. She was also the star attraction at the Galaxy, stripping to full houses three times a day. She had joined a gym, and undergone a breast augmentation and a Brazilian butt-lift. She’d appeared nude in a few gentleman’s publications, and considered herself amongst the beautiful women in the city!

As she strutted around the stage, with Nancy Sinatra singing about her boots that were made for walking, she observed the dirty mac brigade having a fumble beneath their coats. The same sad old faces, week in-week out, all getting their jollies watching her bouncing titties!

Coming off stage after her finale, she was stopped by Alec, who was in charge of the stage door area of the club,

“Ah, Miss Aurora, somebody called and left a package for you, and he said he’d phone you tonight after your last performance! I didn’t really get a good look at him, I’m afraid! Anyway, I’ve put the package in your changing room for you, ok?”

“Ok Alec, thanks love!” she replied, flashing him a bright smile, and walked back to the changing room, curious to see this mysterious package. Opening the door, she greeted the two girls who were getting ready for their turns!

When she was alone, she picked up the package and opened it! She gasped in surprise as she looked at the pile of $50 notes inside! She counted the notes, and gasped again at the total, the pile amounted to no less than $7500!

“ What the hell?” she thought, “who’s my mystery man?”

She picked up the typed note and read the message:

My dear,

I’m sorry for being mysterious, but I’ve been an admirer of yours ever since I saw your first appearance at the Galaxy. Please forgive my forwardness, and I’ll bet you are wondering about all the money?

Well, I am a filmmaker, an amateur one at that, and I specialise in filming historical tableaux! These tableaux involve ladies such as yourself performing in front of the camera in historical scenarios. You’d be virtually doing what you do at the club, and to protect your identity, you’d be wearing a black satin eye mask!

Now, I don’t expect you to perform for free, and so I’ve enclosed what I hope is enough to, shall we say, persuade you to agree to perform in front of my camera!

I shan’t phone you later, I’ll park the van outside the Stage Door just before you finish your final performance! I do hope you consent to my request however, should you not agree then please accept the money as a token of my appreciation of your wonderful work!

Hoping to work with you,

Best wishes,


Aurora was dumbfounded, seven and a half grand was an incredible amount for what, maybe one hour’s work or so? It didn’t take long for her to make up her mind to do it!

Eleven forty-five couldn’t come quick enough, and soon she stood outside the Stage door. Five minutes later, a brown SUV pulled up, and the passenger door opened,

“Hello Aurora, jump in then, don’t worry, I won’t bite!”

said the voice from inside, “I’m Edward, nice to meet you!”

She entered the vehicle after making sure all was safe enough, and the vehicle sped away!

Thirty minutes later, they pulled up outside Edward’s home! “ So where do you do your filming?” she asked him!

“ I’ve got a studio set up in the basement area, its got everything I need, including props and costumes! Do you need anything before we start?” he asked her!

“ No, I’m fine Edward, ready to start when you are, I’m getting tired and can’t wait to get started!”

“ Don’t worry dear, it’s twelve-fifteen now, I reckon you’ll be gone in about ninety minutes, if that!”

Down they went to the basement and Aurora couldn’t believe the set-up! Four cameras set up in strategic places to cover all parts of the performing area, footlights and various spots lit the scene!

“Your costume is over there dear!” Edward told her and pointed to a chair where three medium sized fig leaves lay on it!

“Is that all?” she asked incredulously!

“Yes, you’re portraying Eve in the Garden of Eden, and after disobeying God and eating the apple, you do a striptease where your costume, such as it is, comes off, revealing your naked body!” Edward explained it all and continued, “I’ll be filming from behind the one-way mirror there.The four cameras will film from all angles, for which I’ll edit it together tomorrow! Now if you’re ready, we’ll get it done, and you can slip off home, alright?”

Eager to get the filming done, Aurora went behind a curtain and quickly undressed and affixed the three fig leaves covering her breasts and over her pubic mound, and walked over to where Edward waited for her!

“Ok, just go over to the backdrop of trees!” he directed her, “ I’ll be next door with the cameras, and I’ll give you directions via the microphone!”

Aurora followed his instructions, and was soon gyrating to the background music. In no time, she was completely in the role, her only means of vision was through the slits in the mask. Nearing the end of the performance, she rhythmically removed the fig leaves until from the neck down she was naked. She was so into her dancing that she knew nothing about the danger that was now slithering across the floor towards her!

The 22 foot long reticulated python glided silently towards its naked, unsuspecting prey, who was now finishing her act!

“OK Aurora, now with your left hand, I want you to cup your right breast, and place your other hand on your genitals, that’s perfect baby! Now hold that pose!”

It was at that moment that the snake struck, wrapping its coils around her ankles, and before Aurora could react, it had coiled around her body, pinning her arms tightly! Through the slits in the mask she couldn’t see much, but she realised that something was tightly wound around her body, making it difficult to breathe. The snake now lowered her to the floor and uncoiled enough in preparation for devouring the meal that she now had in her grip!

Now her hands were free, Aurora quickly ripped off the eye mask, and looked with horror, upon the creature which had her in its coils. She screamed out for help , but sadly for her no help would ever arrive!

The snake now manoeuvred itself around to Aurora’s feet, and before too long its jaws were locked around the girl’s ankles!Edward looked on at the scene that was playing out in front of him ,a huge grin on his face! This was going to be his best yet! He was going to call it “ The Punishment of Eve!”

Aurora looked on as the end of her life approached, it’s jaws now up to her knees and were slowly working up her thighs! She stifled a sob, realising that nothing could be done to end the predicament she was now in, and quietly resigned herself to her fate! She could feel her feet now in the grip of the snake’s powerful muscles as her hands disappeared inside the jaws which had now reached her breasts!

“ Well I’ll soon be dead! I just hope I taste nice for my killer as it digests me!” she thought to herself, “It’s my own fault for taking that money, stupid greedy bitch!”

The snake had now swallowed Aurora’s breasts, and paused for a while, as though it was letting it’s meal bid farewell to the world, and before she could do anything else, Aurora took one final look at her world, which disappeared as the snake’s jaws closed around her head, and it all went black around her!

Edward punched the air and let out a whoop of delight! That was another one in the bag, this should net him seven figures at least. These girls were so gullible, all it took was a bundle of fifties, it was like shooting fish in a barrel!

Aurora opened her eyes in the darkness that surrounded her, she could feel the snake’s muscles as she was moved deeper into its stomach, she could already feel the digestive organs begin to distend, gripping her motionless as the first drops of digestive acid fell upon her naked flesh, but before it got to work on her, she gave a final sigh, as she breathed her final breath, and oblivion mercifully washed over her!

Edward began tidying up after it was over, he collected Aurora’s clothing and belongings, disposing of them in an incinerator! He would return in seven days and get rid of all traces of the snake which will in turn have got rid of all traces of Aurora! Looking at the studio clock behind him, he walked to the door, switched off the light, and went back upstairs!

One week passed, and Edward went downstairs! He smiled when he saw where the snake had come to rest, its long body curled up as it had digested its meal! All there was left of the hapless girl, a couple of teeth, some strands of hair, and some small items of jewellery, lay in a pile of faecal matter that the snake had excreted! Edward pulled a lever, and the trap door beneath the reptile opened up. The animal immediately dropped through, into the pit filled with hydrochloric acid! Edward hosed down the faecal matter, and inside thirty minutes the snake, and Aurora were gone without trace!



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