Gromet's PlazaDevoured Stories

Feeding Trixie’s Sack Worm

by Steff

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© Copyright 2024 - Steff - Used by permission

Storycodes: FF; Other/f; vore; swallow; insert; cocoon; lab; basement; iso; cons; X

Warning! Do NOT try this at home, the story is presented here as a fantasy only, to attempt this in real life may result in injury or death

Trixie left yesterday for an out-of-town genetics conference leaving Nancy alone in the house they shared. Nancy had been curious about the work Trixie did in the basement. She knew it had to do with genetic manipulation but that was all. Since the basement door was not locked, she went down the stairs.

The basement was mainly a large open area that had two tables filled with lab equipment, along with a desk with a computer, printer and other electronic items. The back side of the area was a wall to ceiling transparent holding area. Inside the holding area was a multi-platform and pole jungle gym. Laying on top of and stretched out across three of the platforms was a massive worm like creature. The worm was twelve feet long, not including the four arm-like appendages coming of its “face.” Each of these arms were about two feet long with rounded tips at the end. Between the arms was a slit that looked like a mouth. 

Nancy went to the computer and was surprised to find out it wasn’t password protected. It was easy to find information about the worm. It was a genetically manipulated variant of a “Sack Worm” found in the South American rainforest. Due to the genetic manipulation the worm was several times larger than its natural counterparts. The part that really got Nancy’s attention was the section talking about how its preferred diet was vaginal fluids and natural waste. Reading more into the information she found a video of an actual feeding. Nancy watched as a naked woman entered the enclosure and allowed herself to be swallowed by the worm. Timelapse showed she was inside the worm for almost 24 hours before she was expelled out an orifice towards the worm’s tail. She was encased in a tight transparent green sack. Nancy could see that the woman was alive because the sack would wiggle occasionally. Timelapse showed 24 hours later Trixie drug the woman out of the enclosure and released her. During the interview, the woman talked about the intense pressure of the whole experience.

Nancy knew she had to try it. After reading the report and interview with the worm’s “victim,” She was horny and Trixie would be back in 36 hours, Nancy left a note to Trixie and removed her clothes. She walked over to the entrance, took a deep breath and entered the enclosure. She walked into the center, sat down and played with herself until she was super-excited and the sack worm was coming towards her. 

As the worm approached, Nancy closed her legs and watched as the worm approached her feet. It spread its appendages and closed them on her legs at knee level. Nancy yelped in surprise as she realized the appendages had a wet but sticky substance on the ends and she was pulled towards its mouth. Its mouth opened and with the second pull on her legs her feet slid into its mouth. The mouth closed around her feet. The action trapped her feet inside and covered them with a warm slimy fluid. The appendages released her knees and grabbed onto her upper thighs. Nancy tried to pull free but she was held in place with her feet in the worm’s mouth. She groaned as she had a small orgasm with the knowledge that she was already past the point of no return. She was pulled again so she was up to her knees inside the worm’s mouth. She also realized that she was getting hornier by the second, “Its slime must have aphrodisiac properties.” 

With the next pull she was up to her thighs. This time, in addition to the worm’s appendages reaching up to her breasts, its tail swung over her and was shoved into her mouth. Her eyes opened in surprise but she quickly got over her surprise and began to suck on the tail. When she felt the worm’s appendages tightening up, she put her arms at her sides just before she was pulled further into the worm’s mouth, trapping her hands to her side. Her hormones went into overdrive as the worm’s mouth slime ran over her clit and pussy. Nancy continued to suck on the tail shoved into her mouth when something thick and slimy wiggled into her pussy. Nancy’s whole body began to twitch, wiggle and squirm as she was sent over the edge into a massive orgasm. Between her pussy being stuffed, the warm slime covering her from the waist down and the reality of her helplessness to the sack worm her orgasm just rolled on and she enjoyed every second. 

Since Nancy was lost in orgasmic bliss, she didn’t notice the worm continuing to swallow her. She finally stopped cumming just as she was pulled up to her neck. The worm's tail squirted a large amount of the slimy liquid into her mouth then pulled out after she swallowed it all. Right after the tail pulled out the appendaged wrapped over the top of her head and shoved her fully into the Sack Worm’s mouth. She panicked for a few seconds until she took a breath and realized she would not suffocate. As she calmed down her hormone level increased. As she was getting more and more worked up and closer to another orgasm her breasts were squeezed, massaged and her nipples pleasured. 

Nancy struggled, twitch and screamed as new orgasms were reached and were all consuming. The ecstasy washed over her and consumed all her conscious thought. She was trapped in a heavenly bliss of pure pleasure. When Nancy recovered her hormones were still in overdrive so she enjoyed it when something slid easily into her ass. She laid inside the worm feeling all kinds of pleasurable sensations enjoying the whole experience. She had no concerns about the future and all she cared about was the sensations and her next orgasm. She didn’t have to wait long before her pussy and ass inserts started to wiggle and fuck her deeply. She was again totally lost in orgasmic bliss.

Trixie returned home after an informative conference. She was in a good mood since she had made several contacts and was returning to her girlfriend. After calling for Nancy and not getting a response Trixie went to her bedroom to change and discovered Nancy’s note. Trixie knew Nancy would try it since the computer was intentionally left unlocked. 

Trixie took a shower and ate before she went to the basement to check on Nancy. Nancy had been expelled from the sack worm and was trapped in the green gel cocoon. Trixie watched for several minutes mesmerized by Nancy’s orgas- induced twitches and wiggles. Trixie went to the computer to watch the whole event. Getting excited herself she reached between her legs and played with herself through three orgasms watching just the swallowing process. She was more excited watching Nancy get swallowed because of Trixie’s feelings toward Nancy.

When Trixie recovered, she noticed the time stamp and figured the gel would hold Nancy for another two or three hours. Trixie went into the enclosure and pulled Nancy out. Trixie pulled the gel apart to just uncover Nancy’s face. After a few minutes of listening to Nancy’s moaning Trixie leaned down and kissed her.

Nancy was brought back to some minor form of consciousness to discover Trixie kissing her. Naturally she returned the kiss. The kiss was cut short because Nancy was again rocked by another orgasm. Nancy could not control any part of her body that was still trapped so all she could was moan and ride the waves out. The next thing Nancy knew Trixie straddled her face and lowered herself onto Nancy’s face. Nancy tried her best to please her lover but the orgasms that hit her kept her from getting into any rhythm of using her tongue effectively. Groaning in frustration Trixie reached down and began to play with her clit quickly reaching orgasm and squirting her release all over Nancy’s face.

Trixie got off of Nancy’s face and cleaned herself up before watching Nancy for the next 45 minutes cumming uncontrollable. Finally, Nancy’s orgasms stopped and she fell asleep. While Trixie was typing up another report about the observations she made watching the video of Nancy’s adventure. Nancy looked around as she took stock of her situation. She was trapped in a slimy gel cocoon. She seemed well rested and still slightly horny. It didn’t help that she could see Trixie wearing a latex mini dress that left her breast fully exposed.

When Trixie noticed Nancy was awake, she told Nancy to hurry up and get out so she could suck her clit. That was enough incentive to get Nancy struggling. It took several minutes to get out the gel and crawl over to Trixie. As Nancy crawled, she felt a slimy substance leaking out of her pussy and ass. When Nancy got close Trixie spread her leg allowing Nancy access. Nancy dove right in and eagerly began to please her lover. It didn’t take long before Trixie orgasmed.


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